Katie Louvat


KATIE LOUVAT, E-RYT500, YACEP is the owner/director of The Yoga Center Reno and has been teaching yoga for more than 20 years. Her classes reflect her gentle, friendly nature; her fascination with anatomy and biomechanics; and her commitment to teaching movement that is accessible, compassionate, and sustainable. Katie’s carefully sequenced classes fluctuate between movement, stillness, breath-work and guided introspection. With warmth and attentiveness, Katie nurtures her students, bringing them to a deeper understanding of their bodies and an intimate, compassionate relationship with themselves. Her classes are appropriate for people of all ages, abilities, and bodies. Katie is grateful for the guidance and wisdom she’s received from all of her teachers. She is a graduate of Kimberlee Orenstein’s 200-HR and 300-HR Advanced Study Programs at Yoga Loka, a graduate of Judith Lasater’s “Relax and Renew” Restorative Yoga Teacher Training, and a graduate of The Accessible Yoga Teacher Training. She has also spent many hours studying movement and learning how to see and understand bodies with Ada Lusardi and the teaching staff at The Yoga Room in Berkeley, California.

In-Person/Online: All-Levels Yoga & Functional Movement

Mondays, 9:00 – 10:15 am 

Tuesdays, 8:00 – 9:15 am

Wednesdays, 9:00 – 10:15 am

Fridays, 9:00 – 10:15 am

Saturdays, 7:00 – 8:15 am

In-Person: Yoga for Healthy Aging

Wednesdays, 4:00 – 5:00 pm


All-Levels Yoga and Functional Movement is informed by various yoga traditions and movement modalities, including the alignment-based style of Iyengar yoga, the flowing, breath-linked style of Vini yoga, pilates, somatics and feldenkrais. The first half of these classes often start on the floor with gentle flowing movements and long-held stretches and self massage to lubricate and warm joints and tissues in preparation for the second half of the practice which is gently active. Taught slowly, methodically and with precise instruction, these classes provide a friendly and meditative environment for students to develop mobility, agility, strength and stability, and to deepen their awareness of body, mind, and breath. Props such as belts, blocks, straps, blankets, and chairs are often utilized in creative ways. Meditation and breath-work practices are often included. These classes are appropriate for students of all ages, abilities and bodies.

Yoga for Healthy Aging is a gentle mat yoga class designed for older adults. Each practice will include a short sequence of asanas, (physical poses and exercises), breath-work, and meditation designed to support older students in building and maintaining muscle and bone strength; increasing flexibility; improving balance and agility; cultivating mental focus; and supporting peace of heart and mind. These classes reflect the instructor’s fascination with anatomy and bio-mechanics and her commitment to teaching movement that is accessible, functional, compassionate, and sustainable. Please note: students must be comfortable getting down to and up off of the ground.

COVID SAFETY: Covid 19 vaccination recommended. Masks are optional when community transmission is low. Masks are recommended for immunocompromised individuals and those living or working with this population.

CLASS FEES: drop-in sliding scale: $10 – $20, 5 classes for $70 (must be used in 90 days), 10 classes for $130 (must be used in 90 days), 20 classes for $240 (must be used in 90 days), 1 month unlimited for $150 (expires one month after your first class).

PAYMENT OPTIONS: Venmo: @katie-louvat ; zelle: 775-813-3524; cash or check also accepted for in-person sessions.

Attend online: Email Katie for the link to attend online.
Attend in-person: Space is limited. Email Katie or send a text at 775-813-3524 to reserve your spot in the studio.

PROPS: Props are available at the studio. You are also welcome to bring your own. If you choose to bring your own, or if you are attending online, please have the following items: 2 blocks, 1 strap, 1 – 2 blankets, 1 chair, 1 therapy ball or tennis ball, 1 yoga mat.

CONTACT: katie@katielouvat.com, 775-813-3524


“I am so very thankful for Katie Louvat Yoga!  Katie’s deep understanding of the human body teaches me how to practice moving with intention and to treat my own body kindly. I hear her cuing me as I go about my day and in all other forms of exercise I participate in. Her classes are grounded, light-hearted, challenging in ways I never knew possible, and full of joy.” —Katie Anderson

“I have practiced yoga with Katie for the past eight years. She is without doubt the best yoga instructor I have had. Her warmth, compassion and eagerness to share what she has learned with her students are evident in every class. She adapts her instruction for all levels and encourages yoga practitioners to trust themselves. When I leave her yoga classes I feel renewed in body and spirit. She is a true inspiration!” —Kathy Bates

“I’ve been taking yoga classes from Katie Louvat for over 2 years. After my very first class with her I decided that she provided the best opportunity for me to learn how to practice yoga and receive the maximum benefit. Katie understands yoga, anatomy, and meditation exceptionally well. But, her greatest talent is in her communication. Katie is the only yoga instructor that I have ever seen that can teach a class of 20+ students and be able to still monitor every student individually making certain they are doing everything correctly…She has the greatest analogies that she uses to make it easy for everyone in the class to understand many of the more complex body mechanics. And, when analogies don’t work she has a full size human skeleton that she can use to explain everything that the analogies couldn’t. If that’s not enough, Katie has one of the most pleasant meditating voices I have ever heard. Even during some of the toughest poses you could almost fall asleep because of her voice. And, the classes are always fun and educational. I feel that Katie has enhanced my health and my life tremendously and I always love going to her classes!” — Bill Andrews

“I started practicing yoga one day a week about 8 years ago. I now go at least twice a week. I found that not only did the practice improve my physical body but the grounding meditative aspects were good for my emotional stability. I was told about 9 months ago that I will need hip replacement sometime in the future. Katie’s knowledge about anatomy and her instruction in class about proper alignment has helped me learn to do exercise that can help stabilize and strengthen the muscles around my hips at the same time as learning modifications I can do to not aggravate my discomfort. This has been a game changer for me. Thank you Katie for your dedication to yoga and your clients. I look forward to our practice every week.” — Trisha Gilbert