Acupuncture Sound Bath


acusound augsept 2024 insta

Acupuncture Sound Bath
Powerful Combination of Two Healing Modalities
Offered at The Yoga Center Reno

with Jen Haddix
Sound Healer, Yoga Teacher, and Spiritual Life Coach

and Dr. Katie Gaffney, OMD, LAc
Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist, and Doctor of Oriental Medicine

COST: $44
TO REGISTER: Limited Space:
September 29 – REGISTER HERE

A sound bath immerses you in deep healing sound vibrations using vocals, gongs, drums, chimes, and 432 hz crystal singing bowl set to facilitate rejuvenation, energetic alignment, and release of energy that no longer serves you.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing modality that uses tiny needles to stimulate meridians to encourage Qi/energy flow which can ultimately balance all the systems of the body and treat various disease patterns. The points chosen for this class will support overall balance, energy, stress relief, and clarity of mind.

 jen haddix headshotwith Jen Haddix
Sound Healer, Yoga Teacher, and Spiritual Life Coach
Read about Jen on her website

katie g headshot

and Dr. Katie Gaffney, OMD, LAc
Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist, and Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Read about Katie on her website