Kundalini Rebirthing

Kundalini Rebirthing
with Juanita Chapman, MFT, LCADC, RYT 500
Friday, November 22, 6 pm – 8 pm

Cost: $50
To Register: email juanita@healyourspirityoga.com

Kundalini refers to our primordial life force energy which is contained at the base of the spine that is often depicted as a snake. Kundalini Rebirthing is a profound healing practice that is used to release emotions and overcome obstacles, unleash old thoughts and beliefs that hold you back, tie you down, overwhelm you, create anxiety and fear, and get in the way of your happiness and fulfillment, preventing you from living your best life. It is an active practice in which the teacher will guide the student through Kundalini movements, breathing techniques, mantras, visualizations and sounds to clear the subconscious mind of its past pain, hidden painful memories and old emotional patterns and beliefs that often compromise happiness and sabotage success.

No prior Kundalini yoga experience is required. Please wear comfortable clothing, bring a mat and a cushion or small pillow to sit on as well as a pen and journal, and water.

The workshop will run for 2 hours with the last part of the class devoted to
de-briefing and integration of your experience.

Workshop Fee: $50
To register/quesitons: Email juanita@healyourspirityoga.com.