Living Your Soul’s Yes – Meditation Workshop

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Living Your Soul’s YES
A meditation workshop experience with Jennifer Andrews
Saturday, September 7
9:30 am – 11:00 am
Cost: Free offering, please pre-register
Register here

In this 90-minute workshop, you will embrace a life-affirming meditation practice, guided through foundational steps. Experience a profound guided meditation exploring elements that nourish your soul and connect you to love. Contemplate and release aspects of your life that no longer serve you, making space for a resounding YES to your best life. Find clarity and purpose through instinctive meditation practices, unlocking your potential to live your soul’s YES. Step onto a path of peace, wholeness, and certainty, leaving behind stress and fragmentation. Walk away with newfound clarity and a daily practice devoted to living your soul’s YES. This workshop is open to all seeking meditation in their lives.

About the instructor:

Jennifer Andrews, M.A., has over twenty-five years of yoga experience and was the owner of Yoga Sol. Registered with the Yoga Alliance as an E-500 RYT and YACEP, she co-founded Bhavana School of Yoga and leads international teacher training and retreats. Jennifer offers advanced training, meditation immersion programs, and intensive study modules.

Certified in Meditation Secrets for Women and Instinctive Meditation™, she has studied for 13 years with Camille Maurine and Dr. Lorin Roche. Jennifer believes meditation should be tailored to individual needs, emphasizing that what you love forms the foundation of your practice. She lives in Carson City, Nevada, with her husband, has three adult children, and three dogs.