Self Love Afternoon Retreat

Self Love March 2024 Insta

The Sweet Embrace of Self Love
Led by: Vanessa Young, Certified Self Love & Mindfulness Coach
Saturday, March 23, 1 pm – 3pm
Cost: $35, register here

This event is intended to celebrate all aspects of your true unique essence. We will enjoy community connection, conversation, mindful journaling, and an opportunity to experience a profound guided meditation to tune in within. This is for anyone needing a bit of extra love, a moment to go within, and time to ground themselves into the present moment.

If you enjoy thinking outside of the box and you’re feeling ready to go deep within, you’re invited.

To Register: Visit Vanessa’s website to register.

About the Facilitator:

Vanessa Young has always had a love for supporting women in falling unconditionally in love with themselves by reconnecting them back to their heart space and inner light. Vanessa is a Self Love & Mindful Life coach but teaches and shares based off of personal experience and life circumstances. Vanessa is having fun living life, learning, experiencing and coloring outside of the lines all while reconnecting to her own unique essence and encouraging others to do the same.